Agona Swedru: state owned buses sold to scraps

Numerous faulty buses which have been parked in various garages are rumored to have been sold to scrap dealers. In a live video captured at the Agona Swedru branch office of the well-known transit operator’s garage, the old buses which some of them have been parked for years and others within this year are being dismantled by scrap dealers.

In a conversation with a security officer whose name and voice for a reason remains confidential told MBN TV correspondent that, the buses are sold nationwide to scrap dealers.

He further stated “most of these buses have their engines and other parts already removed of which some are sold and others used as spare parts for other buses.”

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This comes at a time where workers across the length and breadth of the country struggle for transport every day. Commuters all over have got to spend hours at lorry stations and other notable spots to have commercial transport to and from destinations.

It is evident that the introduction of Omnibus Services Authority(OSA), Metro Mass Transit(MMT), Aayalolo and the likes have in time aided efficiency in the transport sector. It is the remains of some of these coaches being discussed.

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